Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 posts with in one month's time... please don't die of shock

Hi again. I know, I am writing again relatively soon for me. It's a miracle. :) Anyway, there actually has been a couple of things that have happened with in the last month that I wanted to share. I have found a new hobby. I love to cook! I have always known that I liked cooking, but the task always seemed somewhat daunting to me. Well, lately I have been doing better and have found that I love it more than I thought I would. This epiphany came to me a week or so ago when I had no idea what to cook for dinner. I hadn't been feeling well, so Rob and I had gotten fast food for the past couple of nights. I felt guilty and wanted to cook him a good homemade meal. Now, I have always envied my mother's ability to look into a fridge and see a meal. I look into a fridge and see eggs, milk, cheese, ranch dressing, etc... Well this night I looked into the fridge and actually saw a meal. I threw some chopped chicken, tomatoes, carrots, onions, broccoli, and seasonings into a frying pan and voila, I had this...
Looks good doesn't it? I enjoyed it, and so did Rob. That was a good night.
Recently I bought a crock pot cookbook. As students, Rob and I don't have a lot of time, and I thought a couple of crock pot meals could help out. Well I have decided that I am going to cook my way through this book. (yes I have seen Julie Julia, but I had this idea before I saw the movie, and I am not using Julia Child's cook book) Well the first recipe from this book that I cooked was a pot roast. It was sooo good. It called for brisket, but I had to use a different meat (I think I landed on a London broil) The recipe was way spicy too. I like spicy but this was almost burn my mouth, Rob LOVED it. It was really fun to do. I had to fry in a crock pot, didn't know you could do that, but I did. The next meal we had was barbecue baby back ribs. YUM! again, didn't know you could do ribs in a crock pot. So far I am loving doing this. I'll keep you updated on the good meals. :P Well that's everything for now. I hope you are not too hungry after this post :)


Heather said...

I love to cook too. Some of my fridge to meals made on the spot turn out super yummy while others not so much. We have a recipe blog (my sisters and I) that you can look at if you want some recipe ideas. it is
If you want to contribute, Michelle can invite you to be an author.
Good luck with the meals!

Laura Rollins said...

That sounds delicious! (espcially the baby back rips!) You'll have to let me know what else you make that's good... I'm kind of getting sick of cooking the same stuff over and over and over.... yeah, I need some new ideas :)

Susan said...

ooh yum! I'm kind of jealous you like to cook. I really don't. :P I like to try something new for fun every once in a while, but day to day, I dread cooking. Anyway, enjoy your new hobby. It sounds yummy!

Amy said...

So Juli how much would it cost to hire you on as the main chef in our home? :) Your food looked delicious and your crockpot recipes sound wonderful! If you want to move back to Texas just give us a ring. :)