Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hi again. Today was Fast and Testimony meeting for our ward, because General Conference is next week. I didn't get up and bear my testimony, :(
I know, I should. Anyway, I was thinking that Rob really hasn't 'heard' me bear my testimony before, and the General Authorities are always telling us that your testimony gets stronger the more you bear it. So, I thought I should write my testimony and share it with my family and those I love... Here I go...

The things I know to be true:
I know Heavenly Father loves me and you and all His children.
I know He watches out for us, and protects us.
I know He sent His Son to live and to die for us.
I know that through the Atonement of Christ we can all be saved and return to live with Christ and our Heavenly Father again.
I know that after a time of darkness, Heavenly Father sent His gospel back to the earth, and that Joseph Smith was the one chosen to start the work.
I know that I was sent to the best family in the world.
I know that families are forever when sealed in the temple of our Lord and that we will live with each other forever
I know that all of this is a gift given to us by our Father in Heaven
I know that the book of Mormon was given to us as a map to show us where to go and how to get there.
I am so very grateful for all my blessings, and for all of you who read this. All of you mean so much to me. Thank you for your love.


Susan said...

Thanks for sharing. :)

Laura Rollins said...

Thanks so much for putting this up on your blog - I love hearing (or reading) other people's testimony, it always helps my day be a little bit better ;) See you both this weekend!