Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day Fifteen

Day fifteen confessional. Saturday I came down with some sort of sickness. Rob and I both think that I had worked myself to exhaustion, and made my immune system weak. Saturday evening and Sunday I was a sicky. Monday was a little better, but I was still sick. When I made the goal to workout everyday, I promised myself no excuses. But, I did give myself leeway if I got sick. Well I got sick and I knew that I had to recover. Well, I gave myself the time to recover, and I felt better this morning. That being the case, Rob and I woke up at 5:30 and did weight training. It was fun. Later, as in 20 minutes ago, I did the TDS. I did level 2, yay. And man was it hard! I will honestly say that I didn't do so well.
Two of my brothers, Rob and Jeff, played football in high school. I heard all the horror stories (well maybe not all of them, but some). I heard of all the vomiting that the players did during the two a days. I didn't vomit, but I came close. That means I pushed myself, and that is what I want for myself.


Amber said...

I'm glad you're feeling better and being smart about balancing your exercise goals and your overall health. Way to go to get right back at it and to push yourself! Good job!

Laura Rollins said...

keep it up! Good job getting back into the swing of exercising again