Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day Eight update

So, here's the story: A couple of days ago my abs started to hurt, but I thought it was just stiff and sore like every other part of my body. Well, my arms got better, and my legs got better, but my abs persisted in hurting. I thought it would go away, but it didn't. Well, yesterday, the pain culminated to a pitch point. I was doing an ab exercise and the pain was so much that I had to stop cause I was crying so hard. Since it was a Saturday and Rob was home. I called up to him, and he came running down. We taked and decided that I should talk to my brother Steve, the family doctor. With what little information I could give him, he and I decided that I had pulled an ab muscle. He did say the I can continue exercising, just not the abs for a week or so. I will continue to do my exercises, and hopefully my abs will heal quickly. Sorry if I gave anyone a scare yesterday. I was in a lot of pain, but knew I had to blog, if only for my own sanity.

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