Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day Six

Where did the energy of yesterday go??? I was sooo tired this morning. For one crazy moment I thought that Rob's lack of sleep was catching. I made a deal with myself, if I did weight training this morning, I would get to take a nap. So I did weight training, and I took a nap! It helped, but I am still really tired. When I woke up, I did the TDS too, so I didn't break any of my goals today, but it was hard. Weirdly, I am still really tired. I think my body is finally starting to feel the strain. That's good, I think. Strain might not be the right word. But my brain is too dead right now to be able to tap into my enormous vocabulary... :P Anyway, I found that last quip way too funny, I really am tired.


Laura Rollins said...

Sorry to hear it... you might want to try Potassium... a lack in Potassium makes you feel sluggish, too tired to do simple things (stand up, walk up the stairs etc). Or, as i read recently, makes you feel like "something the cat drug up out of the river"! It's also common when you start exercising because as you loose excess water (as a result of exercising) it pulls the Potassium out of your body with it. Just a though...

But whatever you do, don't stop! You can do it! Just plug through this dip and you'll feel much better soon - and you'll be so glad you didn't stop!!!

Amber said...

You're almost a week in! Keep it up! Can't wait to hear about tomorrow's workout!