Friday, January 25, 2013

Day Eighteen

Twelve more days of torture, but who's counting. Okay, not exactly torture, but a workout. Which makes sense since these last few weeks have been work outs. The shoes are helping, so that's nice.
Rob has been sweet these last few days. Well he's always sweet, but yesterday and today I have been so sleepy tired. Yesterday I got to take a nap after weight training. Yay! Well, I think that nap messed with my sleep schedule. I woke up at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally gave up trying and went and played on the computer. For three hours! Around 6 am I was able to go back to sleep. And then 30 minutes later the alarm went off. But that was okay 'cause I got to cuddle with Rob and fall asleep in his arms (gushy and cute, I know.) Rob was sweet and let me sleep. Hopefully sleeping in won't mess with the sleep tonight.

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