Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day Sixteen & Seventeen

Oh the joy of pain. Yesterday I tried to do the TDS on level two. I couldn't get past the first section, it hurt. So I went down to level one, still hurt. What hurt you ask, my legs and ankles. It hurt to do the jumping jacks, much less any other cardio. My ankles have been hurting for a while now. I just thought that it was muscle soreness and it would go away. It didn't. So today, I got new shoes!!!!! They're cute. Mainly gray, but the inside and the laces are bright pink and the soles are white and lime green. They're awesome. PLUS, I can do jumping jacks without the pain YAY. I was figuring out how old my old shoes were. I think they are somewhere between 8 and 13 years old. (Not bad for a pair of payless shoes.) It was time to get new shoes. :)
Yesterday's workout was not good. I did only two out of three sets. I went to bed last night not sure if I would exercise today because I thought I had not kept my goal. But today I figured it out. If I were a teacher grading my workouts, yesterday would have been a C. Not good, but still a passing grade. That's awesome! I thought I had flunked out. But no, I have kept my goal. Today would have been a B+ or A-, not sure which. Just like in school where any grade is better than no grades at all (a thought that got me through some pretty rough homework), any workout is better than no workouts.


Laura Rollins said...

Absolutely, ANY workout is better than none! And, consider exercising like taking seminary - the ONLY way to flunk out is to not show up. Even if you miss a day or two, try again the next day. Cut yourself some slack. 'Perfection' and 'Complete failure' are not the only two options (thank heavens). I'm so glad you decided to work out again today! Keep going and if you do miss a day, don't worry about it. Just keep trying! You'll forever be glad you did!

Amber said...

Way to be Juli! Keep it up :)

Susan said...

You finally got new shoes! I can't believe you've been doing all that craziness with those insane old shoes! You are crazy! No wonder your ankles hurt. Silly friend. Good job on sticking with it, you're more than half way to your goal!