Monday, January 14, 2013

Day Nine

So, Saturday's melt down is behind me. Yay! My abs are still sore, but not nearly as much as Saturday or yesterday. I didn't do ab stuff today. If you go back and read previous posts, you know that the TDS is 3 sets of 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, and 1 minute abs. Well, when I was first told to lay off the abs, I thought, yay I get one minute of rest. And today I realized that the TDS is a dvd, I can fast forward. Even more than that, I should fast forward. I didn't like that thought, but I fast forwarded when I got to the ab section. I did get a rest, just not a long one. I think it was better to not rest until after the exercise. Also, the exercise with out the ab workout was a lot easier. It is no surprise my abs sprained. They have had absolutely no exercise before this regime started.
I did have fun again. That is always a nice feeling.
Laura, my sister-in-law, sent me a pack of p90x after workout drinks. They are so YUMMY!!!! It really makes me look forward to after the workout, though just not working out makes me look forward to after the work out.
I can't believe that today in day nine. I know that's not a long time, but it is the longest I have ever kept with a workout. I usually only make it 5 or 6 days before my body rejects the stress and gets sick. I am happy that hasn't happened this time. And even if it does, I am going to push through it. I have promised myself, no excuses, and I will have no excuses. Thanx for your support!


Susan said...

Yay Juli! Don't jinx yourself on getting sick. Just don't get sick! By sheer will power! :P You're going to be amazed by the end of the month how good you feel after doing the exercise for a whole month!

Laura Rollins said...

Keep it up! You've beat your first hurdle :) I'm glad you like the after work out drinks. Oh, and I love reading your blog everyday - it's so fun to see how you're doing!!!

Amber said...

Yeah Juli! Isn't it amazing what our bodies are capable of? Good job!

Amy said...

Juli- just got back to reading blogs since little over a year ago. I am so proud of you. You are motivating me! I had a good week this past December and thenlet busy life get in the way. You've inspired me to get back into the habit. Thank you and good luck!