Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day Two

Stiff. That should be the title of today's blog. I am very stiff! I woke up this morning and tried to move, and the discovered that it didn't hurt as much if I just laid in bed. Rob assures me that the stiffness will go away, but I am not as positive as him. It feels like it will never go away. I've done both exercises today, yay! I just finished my 30 day shred exercise and earlier today I did weight training with Rob. It was nice, I found that I can lift more than I used to be able (even as stiff as I was) Now, I know that you don't get immediate changes, what is going on is I have been doing exercises with Rob off and on for about 6 months (more off than on, but still) what was nice was this morning I was able to handle more. I think I am just pushing myself and so I am discovering that I am actually stronger than I first thought. Which is a nice discovery.
Right now I am doing pretty good being able to motivate myself, and what I can't, Rob does. BUT, I know soon I am going to need some nice encouraging comments to keep me going. So for all of you that are reading this, leave a comment or two and help me keep my goal! You guys are great, and even if you don't comment, thanx for reading and thinking, go Juli. Love you all. I'm going to go take a shower.


Amber said...

Go Juli Go!

Ali said...

Keep it up! I'm sure the soreness will go away soon.

Laura Rollins said...

You should find some small things you want too, and give yourself a reward every week. 30 days is a long time to wait for a reward... you really ought to get yourself something at least once a week. Or maybe even twice a week. If staying motivated is hard don't wait 30 days!

But maybe that's just me :) Keep it up!