Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day Twenty Two

I did level two!!!!!! I did the whole thing!!!! Every other time I had tried level two, I had to stop early because of pain or lack of energy or some such reason. But not today!!!! It only took twenty two days, but I did it!!! If you can't tell from the amount of exclamation marks, I am really proud of myself!!!
Today was a good day, I would even go so far as to grade myself with an A-. I took more rests (2 second rest type things) than I do at level one, but I did level two, which is harder. Plus, when I first tried to do the TDS, a couple of years ago, I took around the same amount of rests. So I consider my exercise a success today.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Woohoo! Way to progess!